Niklas Walentin
Walentin is a fastidious well-trained musician .. I hope he starts to visit our shores often.
- Washington Post
With his instrument singing eloquently for him, we have an ideal mix of brilliant pyrotechnics, elegance and a wealth of colours.
- David Denton
A true poet with a flair for creating the nuances, which allows classical music to come alive.
- Politiken
Niklas Walentin, Danish/Swiss, born in 1994, is internationally sought-after for his performances as a soloist and chamber musician, and his work as tutor at masterclasses. He also works as artistic director for several international concert series and festivals.
As soloist he often appears with conductors like Mario Venzago, Marc Soustro, Henrik Schäfer and Jean Thorell. He plays recitals and concertos at prestigious venues like The Mariinsky Theater and the Philharmonia in St. Petersburg, Carnegie Hall in New York, The Phillips Collection in Washington and the Verbier Festival in Switzerland. He is triple prize winner of The 9th Carl Nielsen International Violin Competition and has received more than 20 international music awards. He’s sincere work for Carl Nielsen led to his recording "4 Grand Works for violin by Carl Nielsen" in 2015 was announced Recording of the Week by National Danish Radio after its release at Carnegie Hall, and in 2017 the Carl Nielsen Award was presented to Niklas. In 2018 The Carl Nielsen Society gave him the Award of Honour for his work with Carl Nielsen’s music
Twice, he has been awarded "The Young Elite Award" from the Danish Art Council, and the highly esteemed Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik Foundation has given Niklas Walentin donations also. Both the National Danish Radio and the Danish Critics society has acknowledged his work by awarding him "Talent of the Year"2013 and the Danish Critics Award 2015.
Niklas Walentin has already released 6 albums. lately in 2020 the collected solo sonatas by master virtuoso Eugéne Ysaÿe for the international record company Naxos, which is the first to include the discovered and unfinished sonata in its untouched form.
Niklas Walentin is, beside his solo career, a very experienced chamber musician and with Trio Vitruvi, he is touring anywhere from the locals of Denmark to the far east of China. Trio Vitruvi was formed in the summer of 2013 and has since won 1st prize and "Audience Favourite” prize in the National Danish Radio Chamber music competition 2014, and 1st prize in Jurmala International Chamber music competition. Trio Vitruvi has from spring 2015 been accepted in ECMA, European Chamber Music Academy. Trio Vitruvi has regularly performed at Wigmore Hall, Sale Cortôt in Paris and the Ghent Festival, Belgium.
The ensemble Trio Vitruvi is also the founder of the award-winning performance KAMMERBALLETTEN, which combines classical chamber music and new ballet choreographies.
Niklas plays a J. F. Pressenda, bought and loaned especially to him by The Augustinus Foundation. Strings are by Jargar Strings